
A road-tripping family hit an unexpected roadblock: $1,000,000 in cash.

A road-tripping family hit an unexpected roadblock: $1,000,000 in cash.

On a recent family road trip through Virginia, the Schantz family hit a rather unexpected roadblock – almost literally. Thinking the white bags they stumbled upon contained trash, the responsible neighbors threw the bags in the back of their truck to dispose of properly later. But when they went to empty the contents, they discovered something else: cash.

The bags ended up containing $1 million in cash, and the family quickly called the local Sheriff’s office to report the suspect goods. Today, the mystery has yet to be solved. But one thing is for sure: the Schantz family earned a family memory they’ll never soon forget.

Does the family’s found money have you wishing you could find some missing cash of your own? You actually could. Here are a few ideas:

Unclaimed Funds

Every state’s treasurer hosts a database of unclaimed funds. These could be rebates that were never cashed, insurance benefits that went undelivered, or other amounts that, for one reason or another, simply fell through the cracks. Search for your name and the names of your relatives. Who knows: you could relocate considerable sums.

Spare Change

This source is as old as time, but it never ceases to amaze. Peruse your house and car in search of coins, then add up the grand total. Here’s a goal: see if your family can find enough spare change to pay for a pizza dinner.

Recurring Charges

Are those Network+ subscriptions beginning to add up? You’re not alone. Businesses know that small, recurring charges can add up to big profits. Tools like Truebill and Mint can help you identify recurring charges on your credit card statement – some, you may not even remember subscribing to in the first place.

Behold: shoes that sell, shoes that pay, and shoes that rot -- intentionally.

Behold: shoes that sell, shoes that pay, and shoes that rot -- intentionally.

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