
Why Thousands Signed Up to Host...Roaches

Why Thousands Signed Up to Host...Roaches

Benjamin Franklin once asserted, “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.” Something tells me that one of America’s most prolific entrepreneurs, inventors, and founders would be…surprised…by the outpouring of interest among frugal Americas to have their homes infested by roaches for much longer than that. 

Here’s the backstory: a North Carolina pest control company working to perfect at-home solutions for roach control, made a squeamish offer to the public: host a charming bunch of 100 roaches in your home for 30 days, and receive $2500 for your time and…nerve.

The company would, in turn, would get to test their solutions for ridding the homes of roaches. They expected finding enough volunteers to be difficult. They were wrong. Their hope? 5-7 volunteers. Their response? Thousands. It turns out plenty of people are willing to overcome their fears in exchange for a boost to their bank accounts.

Behold: the Pest Informer’s surprisingly effective ad.

The story reminded us of a young entrepreneur we featured on Biz Kid$. In our very first season, we met Kenny of Kenny’s Lobster Roaches. He made a business by harnessing one of nature’s own pest control systems – the good ole’ food chain.

The lesson here? Those willing to tolerate a bit more effort, exertion, or squeamishness than others can find opportunities behind every corner. (They may also find a roach, too, though, so…)

When all else fails, imagine.

When all else fails, imagine.

Big Decisions: Buying Your Teen a Car

Big Decisions: Buying Your Teen a Car