
Fin Lit Ain't Just for Kids

Fin Lit Ain't Just for Kids

At Biz Kid$, the rationale behind our passion for children’s financial literacy is simple: the earlier a person learns the pitfalls of debt, the potential of entrepreneurship, and the power of compound interest, the better. After all, time truly is money. Take it from our hosts: compound interest is a powerful force.

But reaching a person in their growing up years isn’t always successful. There’s no shortage of adults walking around with financial literacy-shaped holes in their mindsets. Case in point: the American Psychological Association’s recent report on stress and money. The study found that 72% of Americans “reported feeling stressed about money at least some time in the prior month.” 

To help reduce the burden, this week Walmart announced a partnership with the Khan Academy to offer a free online course for their associates to learn such topics as budgeting, saving, loans, insurance, fraud, and taxes.

Sometimes, when two brands get the same idea, it stings. Not this time. Sure, Walmart’s new course hits many of the same points that our online course has been teaching to kids for two years. But we take that as a major compliment. If the APA is finding that 72% of American adults stress about money, we’ll do our best to meet their future respondents upstream. By working together, maybe then next generation will have a bit more peace when it comes to their wallets. 

Learn more about our online course for teens here, and check out our abridged 1-hour summer cash crash course here.

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