
9 Months Later, How Are Those Resolutions?

9 Months Later, How Are Those Resolutions?

Believe it or not, 2022 is 75% complete. While it may feel like yesterday, it was a whopping 9 months ago that we were drafting our New Year’s Resolutions. On this blog, we discussed a set of resolutions fit to tackle as a family. With only 3 months left until 2022, we thought it a good time to check in on those resolutions. Here’s what we set out to do just 9 months ago:

Learn from Last Year’s Lessons: It’s Relationships that Matter.

Many resolutions have much to do about self. We might want to lose weight so we can feel better, or save more so we can have more later. But if 2020 and 2021 taught us anything, it’s that relationships matter more than anything. Sure, we all missed going out to eat or enjoying a screening at a movie theatre. But most of all, we missed each other. We started this year resolved to prioritize family time. Perhaps it’s as simple as eating dinner together 4 nights per week, or going to visit the grandparents once it’s safe to do so. Whatever you do, don’t fill your goals with self-centered resolutions alone.

Don’t Spend Less. Spend Smarter.

Few resolutions are more of a buzzkill than “spend less.” The mere idea of forgoing your morning cafe run can make a coffee guzzler shudder. Rather than eradicating all of of your wants, make an effort to eliminate the “oh well” spends. Things like Uber rides after missing the bus, late fees on library books, or the 6th day of fees on that RedBox you watched last weekend. In other words, taxes on irresponsibility. Though the category requires more effort, it won’t steal an ounce of joy from life’s simple pleasures.

Take an Idea to the Next Level

Perhaps you’re one of those families that spends dinner time speculating about grand solutions to little problems. Whether inventing a better salt and pepper shaker, talking about a better app, or making plans to turn your TV room into a tech shop, it’s always easier to talk than take action. This year, make a goal of taking a step toward one of the ideas your family has had percolating. Perhaps your next step is writing a business plan, clearing a patch of land, or cleaning up the garage. Whatever it is, divide your task into pieces and assign one to each family member. Who knows: that salt and pepper shaker could be the next big thing.

Join Forces on a Family Splurge

Every child has a dream that’s been met with a similar response: “That costs too much money.” Perhaps it’s a dog, a trampoline, or a trip to Disney World. We all hate saying no, but it’s often the responsible thing to do. Want to give your child a different answer? Here’s a simple idea: pool your spare change throughout the year in a giant jar. Have a goal in mind and invite the entire family to take part is seeing it actualized. At year end, visit a Coinstar machine and use the proceeds to buy your family’s splurge of choice. One family saved up so much change in a water jug that they’re taking a family vacation using nothing but pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters. A family goal, a family effort, and a family reward.

How’d you do?

So how are your resolutions shaping up? Are you 4 for 4, or 0 for 4? Regardless of where you stand, consider this: it’s never too late to prioritize family time, build a healthier spending habit, turn an idea into a plan, or begin saving for a dream vacation. It may be September 8th, but let’s pretend it’s January 1st and get started with gusto.

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